September 1, 2015

the #BREWtifulexchange15 sign-ups!

The #brewtifulexchange15 is a fun fall swap! This exchange is to bless someone by sending them their favourite fall drink and a few other goodies. The person you send to will not be the same person you receive from. That way you get to 'meet' two new people. This is a secret swap so don't tag the person you are sending to, it just adds to the fun! The suggested amount to spend is around $20. Do this swap as a way to bless someone, please understand that sometimes things get lost in transit and do not always reach their destination.

Since this exchange is about blessing others I would ask that you donate a minimum of $5 towards

Run for India

My brother went to India this past summer and just could not let what he saw go unchanged. He will be going back in January to continue helping where he can. You can click the link above to read more about what he is doing and to donate.

I will leave sign-ups open until Friday, September 4th and hope to have partner emails sent out by Wednesday September 9th. This give you lots of time to find the perfect gifts for your partner!
Packages MUST be sent out by September 30! If you are unable to do that please do not sign up.

If you would like to share about the exchange on social media please use the #brewtifulexchange15 Please share once you have received your package so that you can thank the sender and they know it got to you safely. 

If this sounds like something you would like to be apart of  click the link to sign up below!