it is so hard to believe that any day i will be holding my sweet babe in my arms.
the past nine months have been the longest yet shortest nine months of my life. there is such an amazing blessing and journey that is about it begin, and i am so excited. clint and i can not be more excited, anxious, or nervous. we are so excited to find out if our sweet baby is a boy or girl, to learn about our baby, what makes him or her tick, to watch their sweet personality be revealed. we are excited to see what gifts and talents our sweet babe has been blessed with. we are excited to see what our baby will look like, will they look like daddy or momma or a mix of the both of us? the anticipation is killing us! we are so ready to be a sweet family of three. (and i am so done with counting how many new stretch marks i get each day!)
keep an eye out on instagram (amber_enns) and twitter (amberenns) as i will be posting on there about our baby news before i get a chance to on the blog.
Praying for a safe delivery for both baby and mamma :)