November 5, 2012

hello monday

hello monday!
hello to waking up and it being bright outside,
thank you time change!

 hello, perfectly made caramel latte.

hello, truth!

 hello, happy day project and cute print for writing sweet notes!

hello, 20 week baby bump, 
it's hard to believe that my sweet little bun is half baked already. 

what are you up to this week?


  1. hello new blog friend! linked up just after you on Misc. Mon. love the baby bump- I'm a Christian homeschool mommy blogger - nice to 'meet'ya - God bless

  2. Your baby bump is so cute!!

  3. P.s. i really love your blog design!

  4. So many lovely things to say hello to! Thanks for linking up!


Thank you for taking the time to leave me a lovely note!