December 24, 2013

December 17, 2013

momma thoughts & cute pictures

this post is for me, if it doesn't make sense just ignore it and look at the cute pictures of micah

this incredibly cute kid has been very trying over the past week. 
i am learning more about myself than i care to but i guess that it all part of parenting right?

 i am realizing more than ever that this sweet scrunchie faced boy is a mirror and he will mirror not only the good but the bad. i am doing some serious praying that i can be the mom he needs me to be. so that as he grows up he will be a man who seeks the face of Christ and wants to serve Him in all he does. a man who will not just get angry when he is frustrated but instead will fall to his knees in prayer. a man who will love fiercely no matter the circumstances. a man who will act justly, love mercy and walk humbly (micah 6:8 - the verse i pray for him) 

 in order for that to happen i need to be a momma who seeks the face of Christ, fall to my knees in pray, love like Christ loves us, act justly, love mercy and walk humbly. i wish it was simple. i wish that it didn't take going through trials to be that person. as i pray for these things i know that i am praying for hard times, times that will test me and shape me. i know that there will be more tears shed and that i will not do it perfectly. i know i will fail.

thankfully God is so good and he forgives freely when i mess up. he will embrace me again and will continue to shape me into the momma micah needs. micah too is so gracious and loving and forgives the way i wish i could, the way i should. 

being a momma is no easy job but it is the best job and i wouldn't change a thing!

December 11, 2013

7 & 8 Months

i finally found my camera cord from our move so i can post these!!

7 months

i love this kid more and more each day! i can't even put into words the way i feel.

micah loves:
toys that make noise
reading books
being naked
bath time

micah dislikes:
not being able to see momma or dada
the cold air

army crawls 
says nanana (mom) adadada (dad)
flicks light switches
weighs 20 lbs 5.5oz

8 months

micah blows me away each day! his mind is a little sponge which is amazing a terrifying all at the same time.

micah likes:
feeding him self
bath time // pulling the plug
seeing his friends
high fives

micah dislikes:
the cold
playing alone
getting his diaper changed

pulls himself up and walks along furniture
signs milk & dad
fake laughs
still toothless!

momma and dada love you little bug! you make us better people each day.