Why am I still up?? It is 12:16 and I wish to be sleeping, however I cannot. This evening consisted of going out for supper with Clint, his parents and two of his sisters. We then proceeded to gas the truck up before the prices rise yet again. I was craving some coffee goodness so we made a pit stop over at Johnny's Java for wonderful vanilla latte.

Ah! It's 12:27 I am still wide eyed! I am also fighting a cold so sleep is needed (if anyone knows any natural remedies to fight off a cold please share) and I have a breakfast date with Clint's mama in the morning so I would like to not be yawning all morning!
Note to self: Don't drink yummy lattes in the evening!
After the grand prix Clint and I headed up town to buy his nephew a birthday present... we will be partying it up tomorrow night because Aiden is turning 6! Woo hoo! (funny thing Clint's oldest nephew is the same age as my youngest sister SO CRAZY)
Well it is now 12:37 I am going to try and turn my brain off and close my eyes before morning comes.
two things. 1: Mcdonalds now has lattes and americano and espresso and cappuchino and mochas, not all locations though, so call your closest location to find out more! 2: all natural cold killer (no joke): 5 parts orange juice and 1 part distilled, refined and fermented potato juice (vodka).
ReplyDeletefor your cold ~ occsocillicocsm. Okay I can't spell it, but look for something like that and take it like no tomorrow. It always works!
ReplyDeleteLattes are my weakness!! = )