my husband and I, its GiveLove365.com. A program we created to equip and inspire anyone who wants to be a blessing to someone, with a way to do it.
It’s kinda like that movie “Pay it Forward”, but totally on steroids. The core of GiveLove365 is Give, Connect & Carryout. It’s free and spirit led, while still providing resources necessary to help anyone, help others. The Give part is what everyone can get involved in. It’s simply doing something thoughtful for someone. Easy right? The Connect part is if you’re able to get to know them and see if the Spirit is leading you in any way to be a blessing to that person even more. The Carryout part is practical programs, resources, and suggestions that can truly make a difference in someone’s life. We know that not every situation goes to the Carryout level, but if it did, we wanted to inform people as much as possible, so they don’t feel discouraged by not knowing what to do, or how to help.

The bigger vision has many branches and areas of need, that I’m sure will be ever evolving. Each branch would have its own Carryout section. At this time GiveLove & Provide (loving and helping people who are currently without a home) is the blueprint of how each branch would be.
The focus now is just getting people involved in the Give part. Giving doesn’t always have to be only giving money of course. It can be giving your time, experience, energy, patience, encouragement… anything that you can pour into someone else. Every Friday on the La Luce blog, I have a GiveLoveFriday linky party. A simple idea of something nice to do is posted and everyone is welcome to do that or anything else they feel led to do, and then come back and share their experience and ideas. I pray that everyone gets involved and shares it with everyone they know. Let's start a movement of giving and making someone's day a little brighter and full of love. It why we’re here, to demonstrate the LOVE of God.
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