December 11, 2010

i have this wonderful yarn and have been wondering what to make with it and so i thought and looked at it loving the bring red with flecks of blue and yellow, there is just something about it that i love!
{my beautiful red yarn}

as i've been learning more about knitting i am realizing that i am able to make so many things for my self (or as gifts). so as winter came into full swing i realized that i really love leg warmers and i figured i'd give them a try so i used my beautiful yarn that i love so much and made some!

{my leg warmers - sorry for the horrible picture}

they are perfect for keeping me warm and they add such a burst of colour while i walk through the snow.
*as a side note - i find it merely impossible to find crochet hooks at thrift stores, there are always buckets of knitting needles but never crochet hooks... where are they hiding??

well i guess i should get back to my studying as exams are fast approaching.

thanks for stopping by
have a wonderful weekend.

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