December 22, 2010

this time of year

oh my golly it is nearly Christmas and for me this is a very busy time of year. i have seven gatherings, i rarely make it to all of them every year. it is very stressful trying to be everywhere in a span of two days. however this year i am much more calm about things, trying very hard to not get stressed out about being everywhere and pleasing everyone. people pleasing is such a dangerous thing at times, i can spread my self pretty thin in order to please those around me. this year i did not want to do that. i have been having a great holiday thus far doing things at my own pace planing where i am going and when and if people don't like that well then that is to bad.

so far on my holidays i have gone to ontario and went to my dear friends wedding. it was wonderful and amazing to share the day with them. the wedding was so them, everything that happened and everything they did. it was great! from there we braved the road and had fun trip back to manitoba. on they way my boyfriend lost his license, we cheered when we got back to the prairies (once a prairie girl always a prairie girl), enjoyed the odd gas up because we were able to stretch, beth and i sent mark subliminal messages while he slept :), and got home in time a Christmas gathering. once we got home most of the fam had the flu so it was a very restful day. later we opened gifts, it was so much fun having kids around at Christmas they just get so excited about every little thing. after staying at my boy friends for a few days i made the journey back to my mom's place. from now till school starts i'll be house hoping, two days per house, should be fun! hope my car stays happy!

i leave you with this verse as a reminder of the truth about the Christmas season.

"Today in the town of David
a Savior has been born to you;
he is the Messiah, the Lord. "
- Luke 2:11
Blessing to you and your family during this Christmas season.

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