Today Renee from Cover to Cover...and Everything in Between is here to share with you.

…life was just about rolling in the grass and not caring if you got dirty?
… the most important thing was that you didn’t miss Tom & Jerry or The Bugs Bunny Show on Saturday mornings?
…you laughed and giggled just *knowing* you’d be tickled by mommy or daddy?
…you were just innocent enough to know it was just make-believe, but just happy you could pretend that mud-pie was real?
Ah, to be a child again…
As an adult I often forget to stop and say hi to my young self from long ago.
I forget…
…to remember what it was like not to have a care in the world.
…that mac ‘n’ cheese was a perfectly fine meal and to stop trying to make a gourmet dinner all the time.
…that making a craft or baking a cake doesn’t have to come out “perfect” as long as you are having fun with the whole process.
That’s when I remember, I can go back to that pretty much anytime I want (!)
I have to beautiful gifts from above that I am dearly blessed with - my 7 year old and 5 year old. Both of them remind me every day to stay young and that I’m not *that* old yet.
“Come play, Mommy!”
“Let’s make cake!”
“Let’s read!”
Yeah, “let’s”!
…because although you can never go back to that age again…
You Can Pretend : )
Thanks so much for sharing today Renee.
Lovely sentiments, Renee! Beautifully expressed.